Hog Island Anchorage, Grenada – Coconut boat races and cricket

We are still anchored up off the south coast of Grenada.

As I siesta, the humans have started to get a few jobs ‘ticked off’ the list.  They:

*changed the primary and secondary fuel filters,

*repaired the head (toilet) ceiling,

*repaired the shade canopy (been a bit windy at times),

*replaced the last few seals on the port holes (side windows),

*stocked up on basic food supplies,

*got together all the bits needed to fix our poor sinking dingy.


But life is not all work and we have taken some time out to join in a few social events locally.

A ‘coconut boat race’ was held for the children anchored up off Hog Island.  The children had a week to build and perfect their designs.

Some took the 'brief' literally and built their boats from coconuts
Some took the ‘brief’ literally and built their boats from coconuts
Other children got more imaginative with their designs
Other children got more imaginative with their designs
Once cross-rigging and ballast was introduced, you start to wonder if Mum or Dad leant a hand
Once cross-rigging and ballast was introduced, you start to wonder if Mum or Dad leant a hand
A tropical wave brought some strong winds for race day, but that did not deter our contestants
A tropical wave brought some strong winds for race day, but that did not deter our contestants


They were all ready at the starting line to test their designs in a light hearted race
They were all ready at the starting line to test their designs in a light-hearted race
They are off!
They are off!
The strong winds reeked havoc with most of the sail boat designs
The strong winds wreaked havoc with most of the sail boat designs
And here is your 'three time' winner and it's designer
And here is your ‘three time’ winner and it’s designer

Enough kids fun.  Now onto the serious sport of Cricket.

Clarks Court Marina hosts an open cricket game every other Friday at 3 pm.

They take this very seriously and have a proper field and everything
They take this very seriously and have a proper field and everything
But not serious enough not to allow new comers, dogs and coolers of beer
But not serious enough not to allow new comers, dogs and coolers of beer

Cricket-mixed crew

Despite my humans best efforts, and my encouragement, their team lost.  Oh well, better luck next time.
Despite my humans best efforts, and my encouragement, their team lost. Oh well, better luck next time.


What will the human’s get up to next?

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