Panama to French Polynesia – A day in the life of a sea dog? – Day 30

Position: We have just over 1000 nm to go to get to French Polynesia. Our position is:

07 01.07S 121 21.62W

*Note: I am told you can copy and paste these coordinates into google earth and it will show you where we are.

Mileage: 1209nm – 1050nm = 159nm

Number of miles to go: 1050nm to go of approx. 3850nm. French Polynesia is getting closer.

Fish count: The count remains the same. 4 Mahi Mahi, 2 Cero and 6 tuna. One Marlin that we were happy got away! No fishing rods out still. It is much too rough out here to fish safely off the back of the boat, let alone try and clean the fish we catch. So fishing on hold until the waves calm down.

A friend asked me to write a blog entery on what I get up to on the boat when the humans have dragged me off on a long passage. The short answer is NOT MUCH. This is especially true if the sea state is a bit rough. Unfortunately it has been the predominate theme for this passage. I did the Atlantic crossing when I was a puppy, so I knew it was not going to be a ‘walk in the park’.

So what is my day like?
Yesterday was Sunday, and I love Sundays because the humans do a full ‘fry up’ in the morning. Or at least a sea version of one. I am sure to get some eggs and bacon. I am not an ‘early riser’ and stealing the bottom half of the sea berth from the humans is my sworn duty. But, with both of them up in the mornings, I get up as well. No rest for the humans, as the cool morning is the best time for play. Unfortunately, the rough weather, jarring motion of the boat and waves occasionally breaking over the boat, I am restricted to torturing the humans to play with me in the cockpit. When breakfast is ready, I give the humans a little space and go off on deck to do my ‘daily duty’. I have learned that you must divide the ‘number 1’s’ and the ‘number 2’s’ to maximize treats. So I go for a wee, run back and get treats. Than a poo, and run back and get more treats. The humans are so gullible.
After the humans have eaten I get left over’s and pre-wash duty on all the dish washing. I help save on tones of water! The humans tried to connect to the SSB towers, with no luck and then they both had a morning wash and change. By this time I have had a couple hours play, empty of waste, full of food and ready for a siesta. Usually one of the humans is too, so I go hog the sea berth from them. While I am having a siesta the humans usually try to do some correspondence and French lessons.
Lunch time and the humans are doing some stove top baking. They told me it was an orange and almond corn bread. But I did not get any. They said it was not good for my teeth. And what about their teeth? All I got was a bowl of boring dog food. As long as it is not too hot, I am up for some more play time in the cockpit. Some tuggy or fetch. After that, you guessed it, time for another siesta. It’s a dogs life. While I nap the humans get on with cleaning or repairs. Some times they are making things like yogurt or a salad that needs marinating. Sometimes they have a few things that need a wash. They are very funny to watch as they get tossed around the boat. But they dust themselves off and go back at it. A determined lot these two. I usually fit some time in to write you the blog and save it for posting.
The day goes fast, and then it is dinner already. The humans are making some boring vegetarian stuff. Something called Moroccan couscous with pine nuts and cranberries? I have lost all interest until they whip out some fish to fry up with it. Now we are talking. Of course, while they are busy eating, I run off and leave presents for them to clean up and glean some more treats out of them. Finally, I get a big bowl of fish sticks on top of my dog food. Yummy! And some more pots and pans to pre-clean. More play time and then the humans try to send and receive emails again. Dishes to do, and then night watches begin. The humans alternate watch in the cockpit while the other one sleeps. I just sleep. It is a bit of a pain being woken up when they switch round, but other wise I get a good night sleep. Then we are onto another sunrise and another day at sea. So that is my lot is life at the moment.
But sure looking forward to beaches and coconuts to chase! 1000nm to go! END